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Patent FAQ – a DA VINCI DESIGN® Service - Patent Information Resource

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For basic information on the patent process, especially that of the United States, we welcome you to our Patent FAQ: the original FAQ on the subject of Patents published on a private site on the Web.
  1. Disclaimers and Warnings
  2. The Inventor's First Steps to Protecting His Invention
  3. What is a U.S. Patent?
  4. What is a Patentable Invention?
  5. Is a Patent Necessary?
  6. The Patent Process (including a word about Patent Searching)
  7. Patent Practitioners: Attorneys and Agents
    Click here to be sure your US patent attorney is licensed
  8. What are the Inventor's Chances of Obtaining Patent Protection?
  9. Patent Fees and Costs
  10. How Long does it take to get a Patent?
  11. Invention Promotion Organizations
  12. Defensive Driving for the Inventor
  13. Minimizing Legal Costs
  14. Where to get More Information
  15. Appendix
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