Dr. Patentstein, a resource of Moetteli et Associes
Patentinfo.net, your global online source of strategic patent information.
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Our Search Offerings

Just the flavor you want...

Sanity Search™

A quick, summary search of online resources of patent and technical information, including, as a minimum, the US patent office database and the European Espacenet database. The goal is to uncover any readily available patent documents published on certain key online databases that should be considered early in the inventing process. Typically such a search would involve one full day of searching time.
Cost: $250

Novelty Search

A more thorough search of online resources of patent and technical information, including, as a minimum, the US patent office database and the European Espacenet database. The goal is to uncover any published patent documents on certain key online databases in order to answer the questions: is the invention new? Typically such a search would involve 2 days of searching time.
Cost: $500

Patentability Search

A thorough search of online resources of patent and technical information, including, as a minimum, the US patent office database and the European Espacenet database. The goal is to uncover any published patent documents that describe inventions that could affect the patentability of your invention-not just is the invention new, but is it unobvious as well and thus patentable? Typically such a search would involve 3-7 days of searching time.
Cost: $1400

Patentability Opinion

An opinion, based on at least a patentability search result, prepared by a patent attorney, as to the likelihood of whether meaningful patent protection may be available for the invention.
Cost: $2300

and, a guaranteed work product...

Further, we guarantee that the search will be:

a diligent effort to uncover relevant patent information from national online databases of public patent information
a good value for the price charged

We guarantee that a patentability opinion will be:

prepared by a patent attorney
based on a reasonable interpretation of any uncovered prior art documents
a good value for the price charged

If you're not satisfied with the result anytime in the 30 day period after the search is performed, contact us explaining why you're not satisfied, and we'll work with the searcher in an effort to resolve the dispute within two weeks.

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